Food & Beverage Horeca

World Trend Net Food & Beverage Horeca

Italy, thanks to its gastronomy and the Mediterranean diet, has always stood out in the world for its uniqueness, with the variety of culinary traditions, and which are the heritage of humanity. When we speak of Pizza, ice cream, spaghetti, Parmesan, Culatello Ham, the Moscati, Chianti, Barolo, the Vernaccia, Passito, Truffle and Balsamic Vinegar, we talk about extraordinary products. These and many other excellences of our heritage enriches every day good food Made in Italy.

In general, the model made in Italy, making Italy, even after the crisis, one of the countries with the best performance in the export. The quality Italian made possible by the innovative ideas of some businessmen and businesswomen is therefore still demand abroad and push on this model is definitely a way to increase the competitiveness of our country.

In this scenario, economic and cultural, World Trend Net therefore assumes the figure of "GLOBAL COORDINATOR" for all activities of Import-Export and "GLOBAL CONSULTANT" in Internationalization strategies.

World Trend Net, a company dedicated to the promotion of global food and beverage Made in Italy, thanks to its support is a window to the world for Traditional Italian excellence and organic food products.

In a globalized environment, where you conclude business with business partners thousands of miles apart, the direct meetings become an opportunity increasingly rare and expensive. Our corporate division that deals with fairs and events comes to meet these challenges, allowing you to learn about your company and your products to a selection of contacts of high quality and significantly lower costs than those who should support addressing these activities in a manner autonomous. APPROACH TO THE CUSTOMER, THE ATTENTION CONSEQUENTIAL, L 'SOCIAL STUDIES OF A BRAND, THE ABILITY' OF PROMOTING KNOW, SECTOR STUDIES AND CASH MARKET, THE SELECTION OF CONTACT, METHODS AND SALES CHANNELS, THE COMMISSIONS, PROMOTION oF MARKS, COMMUNICATIONS STANDARD aND SOCIAL NETWORK, tHE ORGANIZATION OF EVENTS, BILATERAL MEETINGS, GRAPHIC DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT WEBSITES, represent only some of the possible benefits of commercial WTN related to the diffusion of products, and can lead businesses to achieve success in international markets.

WTN activities are designed to provide companies with all the advice and assistance necessary to develop promotions of individual Italian companies and their trading system abroad. Focus as well as to advertise the product on the web and in the trade fair abroad, even to all that part of export including insertion in the distribution chain.

WTN, for the best Italian products, is therefore a 'good actually able to attend the international stage and bring the prestigious culinary and agricultural heritage of the country.

Internationalization, market openness and brand policies among the key success factors of 150 leading companies in the industry according to a survey commissioned by Censis Confagricoltura. The large majority of the companies analyzed tip today in a strong process optimization and efficiency of the organization, acting both on the rationalization of costs and channels of access to markets (58.2% of the sample) that growth and acquisition professionals "high". The survey highlights the great attention to quality: 65% of respondents claimed to be aimed at the constant improvement of the quality of the productions (but the figure is over 70% of entrepreneurs in the horticultural sector, and vegetable sector, olive oil and wine ), which adds an interesting 23% share pointing prevalently on the processes of diversification. In the mechanisms of marketing (also and especially through cooperative systems and network) is grafted an additional element represented by the "lever brand." Well, 81% of business leaders realize some or all products using a strategy based on a brand (whether corporate or product certification typical). But above research Censis / Confagricoltura underlines that more than 46% of the sample it markets through its own brand and 26% with a consortium brand.

Italy is the first country in the world for wine exports, ahead of France and Spain. The report noted the 2007 world OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine). France remains the largest producer in the world, with 48,400 thousand hectoliters, equal to 17.86% of the world total. Italy the heels closely, with 47 981 thousand hectoliters, ie 16.61% overall. In third place is Spain, and the fourth the US, thanks to the growing success of the production in California, now control a share of 7.39%. The best data come from exports: Italy in 2007 exported 18,800 thousand hectoliters of wine, accounting for 20.56% of the total worldwide. The guarantees given to our country's global leadership in exports, significantly ahead of Spain (15,293 thousand hectoliters) and France (15,151). 2007 was a good year for Italian wine exports to the United States: 845 million liters sold, and an 8% increase on 2006. But if the United States confirmed a decisive market for Italian wine exports, China is destined to become one soon: 2003-2007 Italian exports have increased from 400 billion to 20 million dollars. A real blast when you consider that the main channel for the product placement is the catering. In this country today, the wine "made in Italy" is a symbol of social change for a segment of the population with high income of about 200 million people.
Warning signs for Italian exports, however, come from the preliminary data released by Istat for the first quarter 2008: Italy has sent the world's 3.9 million hectoliters of wine, or 9.1% less than in corresponding period of 2007.
Organic farming in Italy is confirmed, this year, up and in contrast with other productive sectors. The trend of organic is positive on several fronts: increasing food production, increase sales and exports and growing consumption of organic food in Italian schools.

The positive performance of biological recorded on the domestic market for the second consecutive year is accompanied by an increase in exports. Italy is confirmed, this year, the first country in Europe for export of organic products and among the top exporting countries globally, with sales exceeding one billion euro per year. The European country that buys more products Italian bio is Germany, which imports mainly fruits and vegetables, tomato paste, wine, olive oil and pasta (on the side, the Organic production logo.

Trade shows Food & Bevarege

- Biofach Nuremberg - February
- Fancy Food NY - June
- SANA Bologna - September


About us

Our mission is to represent an solid operator safe and experienced and able to create new contacts and international networks of import - export, entrust projects of commercial exchange between distant countries and markets sometimes not easily accessible.

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World Trend Net
Viale A.Aldini 138
40136 Bologna Italy

(Tm) World Trend Net Viale A.Aldini 138 - 40136 Bologna Italy