Beauty & Cosmetics

Companies operating in the cosmetics industry, having benefited for years of conditions of higher domestic demand in terms of growth, compared to other sectors, have to date found in the strategic phase and choice of having to address also to foreign markets, to maintain levels acquired. And 'now, in fact, accepted that the export is the path to be to increase the trend reddività and turnover of Italian cosmetic industry.

Winning companies will, therefore, those capable of adapting to distant markets, not only geographically but also culturally and able to channel their resources in terms of investment in foreign markets, with a particular focus on emerging markets, where the number of consumers can achieve income thresholds compatible purchase of products made in Italy is constantly increasing.

In this new economic-cultural World Trend Net therefore assumes the figure of "GLOBAL COORDINATOR" for all activities of Import-Export and "GLOBAL CONSULTANT" in Internationalization strategies.

World Trend Net, with its staff, is able to take care of the production of stands (individual or collective), marketing, product promotion, in the most important trade fairs in the world, making the main event of a special sector opportunities enter new markets.

Generally provides a comprehensive set of activities, better listed in the services of this website, substantial international assistance made at several levels: through logistical support, information and dissemination, and marketing services structured to optimize business opportunities .


- Vivaness Nuremberg - February
- Cosmoprof Bologna - March
- Beauty World Dubai - May
- Cosmoprof North America Las Vegas - July
- Cosmoprof Hong Kong - November


About us

Our mission is to represent an solid operator safe and experienced and able to create new contacts and international networks of import - export, entrust projects of commercial exchange between distant countries and markets sometimes not easily accessible.

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World Trend Net
Viale A.Aldini 138
40136 Bologna Italy

(Tm) World Trend Net Viale A.Aldini 138 - 40136 Bologna Italy